IWRP is very honoured to announce that Alicja Borzyszkowska will be working with us at IWRP as a Project Manager. Her impressive bio is found below. She will also coordinate our long time partnership with Global Girl Media. “Alicja’s work, which combines field intervention, international projects, and research, focuses on the impact of armed conflict and […]
2024 Internship – Isatou Sam
We are thrilled to announce that Ms. Isatou Sam will be interning with IWRP for 2024. Isatou is a Masters student at the Geneva Academy for International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law at the University of Geneva and her work will focus on the issues of protection of women and children in conflict.
IWRP Director appointed to OHCHR fact-finding mission in Belarus
The IWRP is proud to announce the appointment of Director Susan Bazilli as a high-level expert to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for a fact finding mission on alleged human rights violations in Belarus.https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=27105&LangID=E
Canadian Women Peace and Security Network
Susan Bazilli is honoured to announce that, as of May 2020, she will be serving as a Steering Committee member for the Canadian Women Peace and Security Network. The WPSN is a network of over 70 Canadian non-governmental organizations and individuals committed to: 1) Promoting and monitoring the efforts of the Government of Canada to implement […]