IWRP works on HIV/AIDS on two fronts: research on policy and governance, and grassroots networks of grandmothers caring for their Aids Orphans in South Africa and Uganda. IWRP-SA has used the film The Great Granny Revolution to hold training workshops, build support networks, and create policy changes with the City of Johannesburg and local organizations in Uganda, and Canada.
IWRP developed a concept paper for the Commonwealth Secretariat that reviewed a range of literature and explored the relationship between HIV/AIDS, legal rights and political participation of women and girls, and democratic governance in four Southern African countries – Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland, and South Africa. The paper examines the nexus between achieving representative democracy and addressing the gendered differential impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa, particularly on women and girls.
Prognosis for the Inequality Virus
Gender, Democracy, Reconstruction and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
Concept paper for the Commonwealth Secretariat on governance and HIV/AIDS.
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