Transboundary Waters: Governance and Gender
February 11, 2011 by
Brown Bag Lunch Poster- 15 Feb 2011
Transboundary water – Rwanda
March 10, 2010 by
In Uganda in March 2010, 50 practitioners, academics, and specialists from universities, agencies, international organisations and NGOs gathered to explore lessons learned, similarities and differences between management and institutional development of transboundary waters. The end of the workshop is celebrated by IWRP partners – Margaret Tuhumwire, Entebbe Women Association; Doo Aphane, Women and Law Southern […]
International Waters Workshop, Uganda
February 16, 2010 by
Margaret Tuhumwire explains the work of the EWA in the role of the community in environmental sustainability on the shores of Lake Victoria to Al Duda, Director of the International Waters Program for the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Launch of SA women’s Lawyer Association
June 29, 2006 by
Susan Bazilli with Hon Brigitte Mabandla, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development; Justice Pius Langa, Chief Justice of the South African Constitutional Court, at the launch of the South African Women Lawyers Association, May 2006