Covid-19 and gender inequality

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very different impact on women. A feminist analysis reveals the stark gender inequalities. The IWRP has compiled an initial list of resources on gender and COVID-19 developed by women around the world for advocacy and information. You can find it here. PDF:

Leveraging the Interlinkages: Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and the SDGs

IWRP is a member of the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation. This new report offers a selection of case studies that showcase the work that BCCIC members are doing in the field of gender equality and women’s empowerment. We have featured the work of our partners Climate Wise Women and the Osokuru Women’s Network […]

New applied research project launches

We are very excited to announce our new applied research project on the intersection between climate change, environmental justice, male violence against women, militarism, and patriarchy through a feminist women, peace and security lens. Under the leadership of renowned feminist international legal scholar and author, Shelley Wright, and with the support of our fabulous new […]

2020 is the Year of Beijing +25 – Important Review Coming Soon!

The IWRP will be attending the Commission on the Status of Women in New York in March 2020 for CSW 64 as part of the follow up for Beijing +25. The main focus of the session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and […]

Constitute! On YouTube

Constitute! on YoutubeThe IWRP film Constitute! is moving to Youtube and the Constitute website will be archived. To view the documentary on the Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women and the Constitution, go to